Sunday, June 13, 2010

Roller Coaster Ride - I want to get off!

Well, I thought I was going back to Ramona next year. I guess our union finally got their point across and the district is doing what it should have done in the beginning. They sent all the surplus teachers a list of the available openings and had us rank them in order of preference. We will be placed by seniority. So I was all set to return to Ramona and now I don't know where I'll be again. Hopefully we will hear this week!

Packing up my classroom has been really hard. I had Japanese exchange students for a week so i couldn't sty at school. I can't reach all the high things. Chuck is gone. But with a lot of help from family and friends, it is getting gone. In a way I'm glad Chuck is gone and hasn't had to spend his few days home in my classroom.

I did enjoy the Japanese students. I had 2 delightful girls. They even cooked for me 2 nights. I have decided I love Japanese food! We also went out to sushi twice and took Josh, Angie and the girls with us. Lots of fun! Just the wrong time to have them.

I spent the night last night in Temecula with Jordan, Amity and Randi. It was fun to see them. I get the Mauss kids next weekend and am looking forward to seeing the girls' dance recital and Cole test for his next belt. Ella and Hannah will be joining me. On the way home, we will go to Temecula and spend the night on Sunday so we can go to Randi's 3rd birthday party on Monday.